For some of You out there, this article is may not interesting anymore, but I just wanna share this tips anyway. Usually I make my Restore Point just before I make any changes in registry or system settings in Windows, just incase, to prevent it from making my system unstable to run or making damages/errors in registry and my system in general. This may applied to You as well, when You wanna try new and unfamiliar softwares or a beta version of popular softwares. System Restore may come in handy to, when You wanna eliminate threats from most of malwares infection.
To start creating Restore Point where You can return Your system to its previous state, go to start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools or look for System Restore then click on it (click again on Open System Protection), when System Properties menu appears then click on Create, type the name of Your Restore Point, click on Create again. Wait for a few seconds then its done.
To go back to Your Restore Point (if something bad or unexpected errors happened on Your Windows system), just go to start menu - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools or look for System Restore then click on it, click Next, choose the Restore Point which indicates good configuration on Your system or before something unexpected errors happened, then click Next again. Wait for a few minutes till Your Computer restarting, then its done.
If by any chance, You can not find System Restore in Your Computer, or if You wanna enable or disable System Restore, just perform the following steps:
Start the System Control Panel applet. Select the System Restore tab. Clear the "Turn off System Restore on all drives" check box to enable System Restore, or select this check box to disable System Restore. Click OK. Also here:
Start the System Control Panel applet. Select the System Restore tab. Clear the "Turn off System Restore on all drives" check box to enable System Restore, or select this check box to disable System Restore. Click OK. Also here:
To delete older restore points, but leave the system restore turned on: Right Click the Drive in question - Properties - Disk Cleanup - (choose from the option) - More Options - System Restore - Cleanup.
You can also click the Settings button to set a maximum amount of space that you want each drive to use for restore information. If the drive you select isn't the system drive, you can also disable System Restore on a per-drive basis. The maximum amount of space that you can use for restore information is 12 percent per drive.
An alternative to the usual method of enabling and disabling Windows XP's System Restore feature is to use the registry (this may works as well in Windows Vista or Windows 7 too). To use this alternative, perform the following steps: Start the registry editor (regedit.exe).
You can also click the Settings button to set a maximum amount of space that you want each drive to use for restore information. If the drive you select isn't the system drive, you can also disable System Restore on a per-drive basis. The maximum amount of space that you can use for restore information is 12 percent per drive.
An alternative to the usual method of enabling and disabling Windows XP's System Restore feature is to use the registry (this may works as well in Windows Vista or Windows 7 too). To use this alternative, perform the following steps: Start the registry editor (regedit.exe).
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore.
If a "DisableSR" value doesn't exist, go to the Edit menu, select New, DWORD value, and create the value.
Set the value to 1 to disable System Restore or 0 to enable System Restore.
If a "DisableSR" value doesn't exist, go to the Edit menu, select New, DWORD value, and create the value.
Set the value to 1 to disable System Restore or 0 to enable System Restore.
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